I think you should do a daily update.
It would be like 500 days of Kristin, only interesting.
G’night, folks!
I think you should do a daily update.
It would be like 500 days of Kristin, only interesting.
G’night, folks!
I haven’t played these since they were new but I really enjoyed them both. They’re sci-fi/horror grindhouse stories.
Everyone in it is either a crook, a victim, or some kind of damn demon thing.
And I recall them having far above the average voice acting for the time.
They weren’t going to be the next big thing but they…
DC is in a perpetual time-out as far as I’m concerned. There have been a few interesting items from them(Power Girl/Harley Quinn was a lot of fun) but overall I haven’t been able to make it through at least 80% of what I’ve tried to read.
And as far as the animated offerings from DC go there has been a distinct decline…
You say “kill-a-thon” like that’s a bad thing!
That’s gross!
Why use paper when we have a device as elegant as the three seashells?
It was my go-to launch title on PS4.
I loved Nova. She was my beast.
I gave it up for a while when I couldn’t get my regular crew to even try the damn thing.
Last I looked though it was pretty different from launch.
I liked what I saw.
If they’re trying to get the buzz up for TW3 than why didn’t they do PS4 and XBone ports?
Those wacky Polish and their... I dunno, strange video game related decision making ways.
I always thought The Batman of Shanghai was pretty damn cool.
I’m all for it!
I think men should get the same treatment as women in games.
Not because of some kind of twisted sense of poetic justice. I just like more sexy in my every day gaming life.
That’s how I usually do it. Unless I just can’t wait or it’s something with co-op that my friends are playing than I’m going to wait.
Besides, my current backlog has games like Witcher 3 or Dragon Age: Inquisition. Games that require a lot of time and devotion to finish.
What do I need to add to the stack for?
It’s the…
You are just a Hot-Ryu’s Butt-load of fun now aren’t you?
What’s more interesting is how little I actually care to play these games again.
Now I can certainly appreciate the artistry and talent behind the crafting of these costumes(very well done designs) but isn’t this just like an elaborate version of the sexy Freddy Kreugers or sexy Transformer costumes we see every Halloween?
Far more creatively valid of course but still - Sexy Sylveon is still a sexy…
Appreciate it.
It really does look like fun to just wander about with the gravity powers and such. And it’s got a nice overall art style.
I’ve been needing a colorful diversion game.
Think I might grab it.
How is this game?
It looks fun but I’m not convinced.
Anyone have any opinions to share?
I really enjoyed the hell out of DD.
What exactly is a better man in this situation though?
I can’t really think of a situation in any monogamous relationship that I’ve been in where it would be cool for me to meet up with someone I met online who has offered to buy me sexy shit that they would like to see me wearing.
Yeah I’m not a fan either. Can’t say exactly why but I’ve got several suits and just can’t summon the desire to wear them.