
I know for a fact that there are PLENTY of women who go for that kind of thing.
Disclaimer - Not defending it at all. It's terrible behavior.
However- the fact remains that as long as there are women who respond favorably to such things than there will be men to sling it like that.
Unfortunately it's the respectable,

Look around you, DrNerdLove.
Look around you...
All of this, the Internet... It's your today.

Yeah I'm pretty much done with destiny.

These games were pretty goddamn stellar.

Yeah I suppose that's one way.
If you really wanted to spare dozens of settlers a horrible nuclear death I guess.

If you like horror games that are actually successful at scaring the life out of you than yes.

Sounds like it shares a bit with The Curse(Noroi... I think)).
That's not a bad thing at all. The Curse is my favorite J-Horror flick. It's got this utterly unsettling vibe all throughout.
It just feels like everyone you come across is just fucking doomed.
And that ending.... Sweet Crom in His mountain...
Anyways it's all

I like their thinking but I think this should be an option for the players to decide on.
I can certainly see how it makes players play smarter and more tactically and I'm definitely the type who gets off on good solid teamwork(like Hannibal before me, I love it when a plan comes together) but if they had the option to


I remember my girlfriend walking in the room after I did it.
I told her what I had done and she just looked at me for a moment and said something to the effect of
"Well congratulations on being the man who killed hope."

Yeah I felt like a serious jerk about a third of the way in.
Thought about amending my nefarious ways but then figured "fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound"

Yeah it's funny. The game actually becomes quite a bit more easy and straightforward once you start shooting folks instead of listening to their problems.

Yeah but then I couldn't decorate it the way I wanted.
I really should reevaluate my sense of priorities...

The entire settlement of Megaton.

Now playing

I enjoy it but I do have concerns as to it's longevity. Especially with the very VERY limited amount of out of the box content.
And lets be honest- For 500 million dollars(!!!) this game should be brimming with so much content that it baffles the mind. It doesn't and that's kinda messed up. It has less than most games

Oh well damnit I just left some snark in response to your comments and here you go and apologize!
Thanks a lot...

And it's genuinely awesome how much Rhade cares about how many games a total stranger on the internet has.
I care too!
Now tell us more about how PC is "more better"
We're all just so terribly interested in what you have to say!

Amen to that on Metal Gear.
That scene in MGS4 at the end in the graveyard...
Holy shit... I thought they were going for comedy the number of times I thought Big Boss was dead only to have him launch in to another nonsensical 15 speech!
Seriously I enjoy the hell out of the MG games but the english dialogue is just

This review needs more gifs.

I'm with you.
Now derpatron4998... That guy was a champ!
He'd give you the shirt right off his back if you needed.
God that guy was funny!
Did you know he was a Mason?

Shame what happened to derpatron4999 though.
This is why they tell us to install carbon monoxide detectors, people!