
Yeah but he doesn't want to bother with it.
Unless any of us are part of his family and are privy to the goings on therein than it's not for any of us to lay judgement down on his choices. He obviously knows his way around PC gaming so it's not as if his choice was uninformed. He went with what he felt was best for his

And my point is that he's decided to forgo a vid card or any other PC element budget or otherwise because personal choice.
Not sure where what you felt needed reiteration here.

Totally off topic but when I read the first words of your post - "You goddamn fool." All I could hear was Harrison Ford growling it out like a line from some mid-90's political thriller to someone like Donald Moffat.
Admit it. Now you hear Harrison Ford don't you?
Carry on!

I think his point was that PC gaming simply doesn't fit in with his lifestyle or with the elements he's come to enjoy about gaming with his family.
Didn't really really strike me as excuses so much as choices.
It was a bit overly long though...

That's a pretty daunting stretch of time but it does make sense.
On another point they had better knuckle down and get to making a straight up co-op Elder Scrolls or Fallout that isn't an MMO.
I just want to chill with my clan and go on adventures and explore and fight big ass monsters and whatnot.
Why is that so damn

I'm playing it now for the first time and while it's not without a few missteps(clunky but still fun fighting, stuttering f/r from time to time) there are definitely some improvements as well(crime investigations, some interesting gadgets, etc).
Overall I'm liking it. Totally worth a play.

I'm still going with "No real reason to own one yet"
The games are all available on PS3. If I want to play PS3 games I play my PS3.
Simple right?
When a game finally comes out and says "Look here! I'm the reason to own a PS4! Look at the things I can do that PS3 can't!" than I guarantee sales will pick up.
Right now

That last part is a big one.
It's imperative that you keep a monitored control of daily expenses.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this but before I was keeping track of the day to day I'd have those "How the hell did I go through X dollars so quickly?" moments far too often.
Once I started keeping a noted track of those

It would weird me out too.
I wouldn't want people even looking at my flawed work let alone taking it apart and rooting out those flaws.
But in answer to your question, no. We have overworked staffers who handle the retouching/corrections.
And that right there is another bee in my bonnet.
Retouching is always a factor in

Yeah. That's pretty much the sum of it.

I work in magazine publishing. Specifically in the art dept dealing with "photographers" and models and I shit you not it is just sinful the number of people who consider themselves photographers.
Photoshop is so prolific and expected that these people don't even bother trying to set up, style, or anything anymore.

Man, kids are just weak little assholes now.
When I was a teenager and some other kid pissed you off you'd take him out back and kick his ass, or slip some ex-lax in his food during lunch, or sleep with his mom or sister or something.
But this? This thing about calling cops in to do your dirty work and wasting their

Yes. Several in fact.
Virtually every friend I have is tattooed anywhere between very heavily to maybe just a sleeve and most are quite successful, have families, own homes, their own businesses, and are generally happy, intelligent, successful people.
I don't mean this as an attack or anything but your statement and

Well it does make for a nice surprise when the reader does finally come upon that pertinent little detail.
I was like "No way!"

Wow... This Junod clown really is behind the times.
I've been gracing 40-somethings and up with my penis since I was 19.
This was of course 20 years ago so I'm sure they're all quite unseemly or dead by now.
Or both. Probably both. That's likely a blessing really. What with them being well past their 42 year shelf life.

Why is her skin color mentioned in the title?
How is that relevant to the story?
I'm a bit confused because this sorta reads like "White Lady Attempts to Navigate Non-White People's Territory(Government Assistanceland) in a Mercedes; Chaos Ensues."
Just trying to grasp the titles purpose here.

Huh... This actually looks like way more fun than I thought it would.
I haven't played a Dragon Age game in... well... In a dragon's age.
This might be the one to change that.
The combat looks like way more fun than the previous installments and I can't argue with a big, fat, lush, dynamic world to romp around in.

It's not like Alien super-fans will be prevented from playing as Ripley or anything.
They'll just have to wait a bit for the paid release or the big super awesome get away from her, you bitch game over, man edition whenever that hits shelves.
I'm not a fan of pre-order DLC myself for lots of reasons but this is no

Batman super-fan here and I wish I could go back in time and pull a terminator on Joel Schuemacher and prevent that movie from ever being made.
I consider it among the top 10 worst of all time Batman or no.

Maybe he's an... informed super-fan?
One can be a "super fan" and still a responsible consumer.