
Still very eager to get my mitts on this one.

I really hope they do a console sequel for Injustice with an Apocalyptian story arc.
I want to play as one of the Furies or Big Barda or Mister Miracle or Orion.

I was so hoping for some kind of reference or cameo or something in Iron Man 3 what with A.I.M. playing such a big role.
Anyway it's too bad they have him on Agents of Shield but I could totally see Patton Oswald's big mug in that getup

Kinda wish you had a choice of a few different monsters.
That would keep things a bit more tense if as the hunter you had to figure out exactly what you were hunting based on footprints or the remains of the types of creatures it eats or the height of broken foliage or something.
If they do add more creatures it'll

This sounds horrible to me.
I used to get all wiggy about swimming around in FarCry 3. Especially in that big freaking dark caldera on the main island. Hated that thing...

I'm not really a gun guy but those bullets are about 9 different shades of wrong.
Primer cap and manufacture print on the slug? How's that work?
Reference pics, people. The interweb has tons of them

Guy who really likes boobs has boob related stuff.

It was pretty damn disturbing and that's a fact. But I consider the siblings to be pretty damn disturbing people.
A couple of weeks in a Tully jail, a handectomy, and a road trip with Brianne never once made Jaime a good guy or erased his past deeds. He's an attempted child-killer and a shit. An interesting and

One of my favorite things ever today!

This is a thing?
I honestly thought it was just something folks did everywhere if they were the type.
So the question of "Could your city be far behind?" is a bit moot. We officially ruined the public restrooms of NYC a loooong time ago.
My ex and I couldn't go to a bar, restaurant, movie theater, etc, etc without

As someone who works in porn I can sympathize.
Unfortunately... or fortunately(depending on your perspective) my end of it doesn't call on me to bare witness to anything too kinky or off the beaten(hehe) path but I have hit that point here and again where I just can't do it anymore. Where I need to go home and watch

And how!

But my penis and TV tell me she is obligated to react favorably to my clumsy and awkward advances!

Totally hoping for the same thing

Well FX(I think it's FX at least) is producing a series now(with a blonde, Brit in the lead). That might be the closest we get to an accurate cinematic portrayal.
So all hope might not be lost yet.

All of my friends who didn't read the books really liked that movie.
I'm usually ok to divorce a movie from it's source material but Constantine was a tough one. Hellblazer was my favorite monthly title at the time.
It has been a while since I saw it myself so it might be time for a rewatch. Who

Oh I hated Constantine.
But I was an enormous fan of the comic so not having him be blonde, british, a chain smoker, and a right bastard to anyone unlucky enough to call him friend kinda killed it for me and I couldn't see past my disappointments.
Oh and the Jesus-shotgun? Really?
That... I'll never excuse that. Not in

Exactly why I wasn't certain.

If it was up to me Christina Hendricks would star opposite Monica Bellucci in every single movie and TV show.
I'd even invent a time machine so we could go back and put them in shows from days gone by.
Except I Love Lucy.
Lucille Ball was a genius and a goddess of comedy and what's hers is and ever shall be hers.

Tina, you've made me a very happy man.