
Well a shit ton more than my gaming enjoyment costs. Nearly double if not more. And definitely more over time if you want to keep it current.
Are you suggesting the average PC gamer spends less than $400 for their MMO device?
So if you'd be so kind, could you tell me exactly where I've been mistaken in regards to this

I don't have any problem at all with sex and sexuality in my video games.
But as a military uniform(?) of some type this is both sexy and utterly stupid.

I... I kinda think I love her.

True about the context but things tend to stick in my head and the impact gets blown when I finally see it on screen.
But like I said I'm a mega geek for superhero flicks and I can't resist watching trailers for them.

There's a job you can do for 12 G's a pop. and it's quick too.
I can't recall the name of it though.
Since it's a job you can replay it as much as you want. Plus you get the Job Points and a decent bit of RP.
Cash is not difficult to come by in this game.
I'd be pissed if some fool gave me a few billion.
I like hustling

I'm a spoilerphobe.
I totally admit it. I don't even want to know minor plot points.
I even try to avoid trailers for movies I'm anticipating.
Although my childlike love for superhero movies usually gets the better of me and I watch those trailers... repeatedly.
I hate sitting down to a movie and knowing ANYTHING is going

Ok I'm not by any stretch excusing or condoning men who behave in such a manner but I personally know men who have behaved in this way and the scary thing is it's worked.
Like, a lot.
Personally I don't have it in me to act like such a perfect asshole but I'm always a bit puzzled by how often these types of approaches

He looks like he's about to clunk that poor little cowgirl on the back of the head!

I don't believe he said otherwise

And gamers are a bitchy entitled bunch...
Not all obviously. But if you haunt any gaming forums it can be a pretty venomous mob.
I think this guy should just let it drift since I don't see it changing but credit where it's due. Gamers can be some nasty sonzabitches if their expectations aren't met to the letter.
And I'm

It's a good title.
Personally I thought FarCry 3 was a better jungle survival game but that's just me.
Just the same TR was fun. I had no complaints.

Here's a question.
Why do so many PC gamers claim to not be butt-hurt over consoles yet they spend so much time trying to convince console players that their console of choice is shit?
I'm curious. Do you guys also make a point of trying to contact everyone who uses a different coffee maker or shower gel or car and tell

I don't know who that Wonder Woman is but she is a Brian Bolland drawn goddess!

They didn't strike me as overly large.
I know plenty of women with breasts in that size range.

Well even if it was exclusive at least the damn thing would have gotten made and that always opens the possibility that the exclusivity rights are finite.
I personally don't care all that much one way or the other. I played these games when they came out and I honestly barely remember anything about them. So The third

Sir or madam, you bite your tongue!

I think because all of the women were so decidedly human-like I was hoping they'd wow us with a type of face as of yet unseen in the series.
Something so beautiful and strange that part of the tragedy of them having to wear masks for their entire lives would be that we've been denied their beauty for so long.
I can't

I wasn't bothered so much by the idea of them using a stock photo or even a hired model as I was by the fact that she ultimately just looked like a 3 fingered human.
I never imagined Tali or her people looking so mundane.

Mr. Mittens! What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

Possibly a stupid question...
But what would one steal from a game developer?
I mean there's probably some good tech lying around but it seems like bulky stuff for what appears to be an attempted smash & grab