
Gamers, man...
There's always going to be a seemingly large cross-section of gamers who condemn anything and everything before they've even tried it or even seen a finished version. All because it doesn't conform to their non-game making asses version of what should be in a video game.
I'm a gamer of over 30 years and I

Wait if girls don't buy stuff than why does Rob Ford suggest giving them money for Christmas?
I don't understand!
They can't both be right!

Jokes aside I have to say, I have a good working relationship with money in that I understand its importance in the world we've built for ourselves and as such I pursue it in order to maintain a reasonably comfy lifestyle. But I have to admit I do always have this feeling in the back of my head that if we did

Ah to dream...
Maybe then we could all get out from under these massive, burdensome piles of terrible money!

I kinda love Lisa Kudrow.
Never been certain why but I just kinda sorta do.

I'm actually loading my life savings in to a paper shredder as we speak.
To hell with the devil's toilet paper!

Not even a Chris Farley fan but you are so right.
Not even John Candy or Belushi could have done what Chris would have with this one.

Well done!
We need Deadman swag

Just letting you know I've decided to become a super villain.
It's something I've toyed with for many years but the one thing that's held me back was ...
Well... I just couldn't come up with a name that struck fear in to the hearts and loins of men.
I now know that name.
My name...
I am The Cock-blocktopus!
And all who

Yeah I kinda agree.
I learned how when some jerk pushed me in when I was about 12.
I just sorta started swimming because it was either do nothing and drown or attempt what I'd seen other people do in pools and oceans and such.
Eventually I got somewhat coordinated with it and boom!
I was swimming.
And all that took about 1

Well we can be certain of one thing at least.
There will be porn.
Oh yes.
There will be.

That's a shame.
I like Joe. He's a nice guy and a really passionate gamer who gives very fair, honest reviews. They're some of the most comprehensive and trustworthy reviews I've seen online.
Hope he gets this all sorted.

And The winner of The Most Insipid Internet Comment Award for today December 12th, In this the year of Crom 2013 goes to "cyde" for:
"He's just mad because his main source of revenue is being threatened.

Try the last if at all.
Most likely not at all.
But perhaps I've said too much...

Wait. We DON'T do any of that in America?

Really it's the whistle that brings it all home

FarCry 3's water always freaked me out.
I would damn near have a panic attack whenever I had to go in.
And there's a huge caldera on one of the islands that you can dive in to and the water is all murky and DEEP!
Ugh... I'd pull my feet up under me any I played that damn game.

One of my personal all time favorites.
It's a fantastic and original game.
Time won't change that. Trust yer dear old Auntie Zombie as the internet stranger and give it a go.

That is nothing short of magnificent!

Here's a little advice.
It's from a total and complete stranger on the internet so you know it's good!

While I hope you and Mr. Writes have a long and happy life together, should things take an unfortunate turn and you are forced to part I tell you now, keep the horse.

When I first glanced at the list I read the little thing that can bend all matter to her will and what I thought was simply "Justice"
I thought to myself, "Damn... That's one deep kid."
Than I thought "This kid will either usher in a new era of peace and order to the galaxy or she will subjugate all who stand in her