
Let's get looting!

I'm not the biggest anime guy by a loooooong shot.
But the stuff I've seen that's impressed me the most in recent years have been:
Black Lagoon
Ergo Proxy
Soul Eater was just fun as hell

Ok So I haven't played a FF game since...
I dunno the one where the three heroines seemed inspired by some kinda J-Pop Josie and The Pussycats.
That was quite a while ago. And since then I don't even think I've looked at another JRPG.
This one keeps popping up on my radar though.
How lost will I be if I got it.
Keep in

That's an unfortunate symptom of our Uber-male programming.
we're told we're either selfish shits who care only for their own pleasure or awesome conscientious orgasm giving guys.
There is no in-between.
And unfortunately for many men it becomes a test of their ego.
It becomes less about seeing a partner satisfied and

Apparently you need to start writing more drivel concerning dick and mouth(s)

Now as I've always understood it when it comes to grapple skills, weight is a huge factor.
As in if you took 2 judo practitioners of equal skill, one at 175 lbs, the other at 230 lbs, the smart money is on the 230 lb guy.

Also my shotokan school from way back when sparred against a judo school and as much as I hate to

And naturally something truly intriguing pops up while I'm at the office.
Thanks for that. Now I have to spend the next hr watching this and looking over my shoulder...
Thankfully it's a slow day.

She was always the working man's Shadowcat anyway

If I had to pick one right now I'd have to say... Henry Cavil.
but he has to wear the Superman uniform.
And take it off on command.
or... parts of it have to come off on command.
Not the cape.
The cape stays...

I'm gonna stop here.

Camphor Oil is another good one.
It's not good for pets though.

That's really kinda unsettling.
She ends up looking like a character from that old Brit show Thunderbirds

I sure wish some athlete I've never heard of would buy me stuff...

Didn't you see the sign?
"Don't feed the trolls"

Well played!
+1000 internets for you!

I tend to agree with you here.
I find Kotaku reviews often gloss over quite a bit of the more pertinent info.
I wouldn't say their reviews outright suck as they obviously have several reviewers and each works their own way. But I find some to simply be better than others at reviewing.
However I do consistently find

Zelazny is ever the badass.
I just recently reread Roadmarks and Damnation Alley.
Damn those are some fun reads!

What's funny(And somewhere in there is an analogy for how one might take reviews in general as little more than informed opinion) is that the review for KZ:SF is exactly what I'm looking for.
I was going through my library the other night looking for something to play and I really just wanted to kinda tune out and

It's been a while since I played DS but I'm not certain I ever actually found her.
I don't even think I knew she existed!
Ah well... Round 4 here we go!

I was hoping someone would mention Vaas.
That was one scary dude.

What's the big deal?
I bleach my penis all the time!
Bleach the hell out of it!
Now all my friends can warm themselves by it's comforting, soothing glow as I spin tales of a simpler time... Before the days of luminescent junk.