
I never suggested they were doing anything but working on it and I have no doubt that this is exactly what they were doing. Obviously they held the largest stakes in the whole debacle.
But it would have been nice to at least have had a clearer idea from them rather than having to get all my info from other gamers on

It was all the stop and searches, harassments, beatings, threats on my life, sexual assaults that made me jump to that conclusion.
And that's just the stuff I've seen or experienced.
I wish I could say it was only a few but it's bigger than that.
All? No of course not. But way more than people think.
But I've learned

This is my favorite so far.
Well done!

(Has to be delivered with a scrunched up face as if you've eaten something sour)
What do you think of the Jews?

I agree 100%
looks vanish in the face of a hot personality.
I've discovered that I find myself attracted to all sorts of physical types when I get a glimpse of someone smart, funny, and thoughtful.
And for the record people find all sorts of elements attractive on their partner-of-choice-to-be.
Joan mentions having a

(Far more effective if delivered to a woman. Also. Someone actually said this to my friend on their first and only date)

Wow, Godzilla! Your feet are HUGE! What size are them things?!

How about that AIDS that's goin' 'round huh?

That page we were supposed to subscribe to had the same info on it for days.
I lost one character the day after launch day and another the next and there wasn't anything useful til the 8th
After that there were updates and something to go on but before that it was a long winded version of "we're working on it."

I stated this before.
Telling gamers that an online launch will have glitches and such is like telling a diver that the water might be wet.
That wasn't really telling us anything.
But when characters started vanishing across the board they were pretty silent.

But disaster is what we're becoming accustomed to in online launches.
I don't think any of us figured any differently.
Although total character loss is IMO the greatest sin in online game management and I wasn't expecting that at all.

To that end we were all just wishing for a bit more transparency from them.

What does it say about me that I thought to myself, "I'd have asked her out"?
Even the slightest hint of superpowers and I'm all "Le sigh..."

The Secret World.
Never played it myself.
Looked fun though.

I actually thought R* was terrible at their communication with the consumers.
Telling gamers that the launch of a new online game would have glitches and bugs is like telling a diver that the water might be wet.
Once folks started losing characters all we got was the standard "We're working on it" response when all we

That is kinda strange that they don't keep the same rules for their indie titles as their non-indie ones.
I wonder why.
I mean God of War was one of the most violent things I've ever played and there are plenty of games where you have to torture someone.
Can someone explain why there is a difference in policies?

I take a couple of vitamin B tablets with a gigantic cup of water before bed and when I wake up it's a big greasy diner breakfast with coffee, followed by more water.
After that I take a puff or two of the hobbits leaf and I'm usually good for nothing for the rest of the day.
But at least the hangover isn't so bad.

Well it's not really much of a surprise.
Ask someone to show you what they want in their fantasy world and they're going to bring out all kinds of things and that often includes sexuality.
I mean gaming is about immersion in to fantasy.
In my crazy wacky fantasy land I've got superpowers, can shoot a pistol and hit a guy

At least you're an entertaining kinda asshole.
Making life hard for someone can actually make the game more fun. Plus it brings up the whole "What can I get away with?" question that makes exploring this world and trying new things so much fun.
But the outright killing...
That gets old after a bit.

Well Freemode is just an ongoing deathmatch. Although I will say I've had some fun moments in there.

I think it worked really well for the character narrative of Max Payne.
Him shaving his head was quite symbolic.
I loved that scene.

Man, what a great game!