Ta-er al-Asfer

Neat story, bro.

… Yay?

He's the best.

As another gay man, I agree with your instinct - we should be represented in all types of characters.

Anyone using "snowflake" as an insult is a fucking moron unworthy of being heard. Try harder, you goddamn fuckwit.

Woooowww they pulled Adrian out of a 1950's Fear the Queer propaganda video.

They made the gay character a degenerate rapist-murderer.

Alyssa Milano is definitely a highlight for this season.

Chris Pine can actually sing. Goddamnit.

Imagine being one of these people. IMAGINE this being a concern.

I feel like the change in Sonya was the only redeeming quality of Annihilation.

"Too bad… YOU… will die."

Holy shit, you are a sanctimonious twat.

Climb out of your ass.

Get off your high horse, piss baby.

Cool story, bro.

Honestly, is there a difference?

Robyn is amazing, and I will hear no further.

I'm curious why we're seeing such a weak comment section for this show.

How do we tell the AV Club creators that this is dumb as shit?