Ta-er al-Asfer

Those fucking lobsters, man.

I think Wind Through the Keyhole was a lovely addition.

The subject material gets pretty goddamned weird, but I see where you're coming from.

I wouldn't say it's bad, though.

How's the weather up there on that high horse?

Ugly inside and out.

Such a huge build-up to some mad weirdo.

He's so fucking stupid.

When was the last time Halle Berry was in a good movie?

I love that this show had a handful of drag queens from RuPaul's Drag Race.

Eh, they only started filming the second episode. I'm sure the effects aren't ready, and they needed FX shots to make the trailer pop.

That's actually horrifying. The gap between letting gay/lesbian and trans soldiers in seemed like people acted with a harrumph, but little else. These are talented, dedicated people who are *risking their lives for America*. It sickens me to see Middle/Basic America revel in them getting the boot.

Armie is 30 in real life, so I totally understand the hesitation. The actor playing his love interest looks like a teen.

It's crazy how often people make being trans about genitals. Just like how people make being gay about butt sex. It's like the opposite of nuance.

This has to be a unique reboot where it looks awesome, but the previous version was also awesome and I wish would have continued past two movies.

Is it really going to take a mob with torches and pitchforks to get rid of Trump?

Very down for this. Hot actors good at comedy is my ideal.

When the Falcon checks to see if there's change in the pay phone.

It's shocking how good First Day of Camp was, so I'm totally stoked for this.

That was delightful.