Ta-er al-Asfer

Her original super power.

One could (and should) argue that Laverne Cox is the most visible trans figure in pop culture, but I don't think we're there yet. Hopefully she'll be getting nominated for Oscars in the next decade or so, and we can forget about Jenner.

Arrow was pretty solid, and I thought Legends was hilarious, but I get you.

I mean, all three seasons ended with Barry headed into some portal/dimension/alternate timeline. Surely he'll have to come back better one of these times.

Maybe they'll bring him back for a guest spot and then kill him off. Tradition has to mean something, people!


He was entirely superfluous in an already bloated cast.

Neat story. As a citizen, I think you're a fucking moron.

Hey, kindly go fuck yourself, buddy. Enjoy stewing in your angry, scared bile of a personality.

A damn shame that the trans community's most visible member is such an idiot.

"Can I play devil's advocate?"

The President just set the precedent that, if your healthcare is deemed too expensive, you can be fired.

I applaud your service.

Which pretty much sums up the whole Trump voter mentality. It's less that they expect Trump to do anything to better our country, but more to simply piss of liberals.

I feel like we'd at least know how to fight back against Pence, whereas Trump is a freewheeling lunatic.

You really have no idea anything about what it means to be transgender, do you?

Trump is such a fucking scumbag.

It's been great since last summer.

Were there any good fight scenes? I might just wait to stream it and skip to those.

Say what you will about Roman Reigns, but Jesus Christ - look at him. He's too ungodly beautiful to *not* be on television.