Ta-er al-Asfer

Quality man ass.

… wut

I think it's weird in the context of the established X-Men movies, where it's like "here's a relatively grounded sci-fi metaphor for the minority experience - with ALIENS FROM SPACE?"

After DOFP, I wish we could have followed the "adjusted" future timeline with the original cast getting their due. God knows Rogue, Storm (eh, Halle), Cyclops and Jean all could use a redo for The Last Stand.

They really tossed off her big Phoenix moment, which I imagine played as totally incoherent to any viewer not familiar with the character.

The Rebecca Romijn version was more fun and more in line with the comics.

His alien wife and son will get sucked into a black hole.

Yeah, this feels like taking the worst parts of Apocalypse and multiplying them.

I heard she's good friends with McAvoy and Fassbender, but she was truly awful in Apocalypse (I mean, it was a truly awful movie).

Can’t they just CG Mystique since J-Law refuses to wear the makeup? God knows "Mutant and Proud" Mystique spent all of Apocalypse in human drag because J-Law didn't want to wear the makeup.

I don't need it spilled out for me on the show, but Alexis Bledel’s Ofglen is definitely dead after she stole that car, right?

That makes sense. They're months into shooting the Versace one.

I'm horrified it hadnt already been renewed. This last season was amazing.

"Santa just *is* white." - Megyn Kelly, December 2013


I have already watched this season twice. It might be my favorite? Turning Russ into a doofy hunk was such an odd and then perfect choice to show Jacqueline's growth.

I mean, it does sort of fit the "aw, shucks!" tone of the film.

Such a Mudblood thing to say.

Like the one Latina in the classroom is like, "Nice! He's all mine!"

This… isn't a review of the film. It's film criticism about journalism.