Ta-er al-Asfer

… racist

Are you kidding me? Guardians and Winter Soldier and Civil War are all incredible.

Let's me and you have a beer or eight before the re-watch.

Armie Hammer is an imposing figure for Hawkeye.

I winced through most of this. Poor Janine.

That's fair. I still think that Jensen Ackles would have been a better Hawkeye if goddamn Supernatural didn't prove to be immortal.

Hahahaha goddamnit

I really loved the flashback fights between Evie in her former life, which have to be the worst and maybe offensive parts of The Mummy Returns? They don't even properly fight with sais.

I remember as a teenager genuinely loving The Mummy Returns which… might mean I was a dumb fucking teenager.

Don't get me wrong, from M:I 3, those movies have been awesome, but he would have aborted the MCU.

Cruise would never have shared the stage with the whole Avengers crew. And he has nowhere near the charisma to pull off Tony Stark.

Important reminder that Tom Cruise was set to star as Tony Stark in the first Iron Man. There would literally be no MCU if that weird goober had started it.


I'm a gay man and even that did it for me.

how is he still president?

Important reminder that season two of Legends of Tomorrow was fucking awesome.

Like how does he even go home and live with himself after saying that?

His delivery of "You feel me, baby girl" is glorious.

Yeah, but don't they make you age? Dude is practically glowing in that picture.

“the only thing that is worse than [sexual assault] is the false accusation of sexual assault.”