Ta-er al-Asfer

I know I sound like one of those raving Trump supporters (Christ, he has ruined us), but this is legitimately terrifying:

Have you guys heard about how Russia has lessened the charge for domestic violence so that men can basically batter their wives? I'm not even making this up.

Thank you for sharing this. I want regular updates from these delightful people.

Sweet pea, we're having too much fun watching Trump's administration tumble over like your flaccid dick.

I had my buddy over to watch the premier with some wine, and I literally jumped up and gasped when she died.

The show came back to life when Cat Grant returned, I swear to God.

Not that scene, I thought there was a scene where they were escaping the League's temple through a hallway and she managed to knock down a ninja, but I may be misremembering, but it was definitely inside a hallway.

Do you know when the embargo is up? I'm guessing Monday (or Tuesday because of the holiday).

For this gay Arrow fan, not s'much.

These are the same people who claim, angrily, that "things will change now that Trump's president." And I don't think they appreciate that reality didn't warp into some throwback universe where they suddenly feel good about themselves and don't have to seek out things on the internet to be shitty about.

I honestly would like to see him try something else.

Honestly, by the time we got to the (admittedly awesome) mountain top fight, I was already soured on the episode.

Absolutely. Roy with Laurel as sidekick was really the best stretch of season three, but it lasted like three episodes.

Arrow straying from the "grounded" hero - shrinking scientist, resurrection hot tub, possessed Russian lady - I think the nuclear attack was the biggest show-breaking mistake they ever pulled.

Honestly, same.

I hope they give her a proper costume, though. Maybe not as elaborate as Laurel's was, but something.

I miss Moira, and that actress was so central to the show's balance of good and evil.

It's the same temple from Lost.

Poor Jake Lloyd

Adding a child actor would kill this show. Please God don't let it happen.