Ta-er al-Asfer

Moron girl first to die in robot uprising

This is the closest we've gotten to Sara back in her lowercase black Canary costume.

I'm assuming even the spear couldn't do away with the wraith, which I'm guessing will be his undoing in the finale.

What is it with this show repeating the same murder over and over again? I've seen both Barry's Mom and Iris stabbed to death so many goddamn times.

Storm got to conjure a storm!

It also looked like the entire movie took place in New York City, which, ugh.

That's… dramatic.

The way the actor enunciated his words was particularly grating.

No, it's usually the victim of a wealthy famous person settling for the small amount of justice they're likely to get.

It would be thematic to the film if the accusations haunt him for the rest of his life.

Laurel came into her own when she became the Black Canary, and once the idea of Laurel/Ollie was wiped from the writing room.

Aren't all the soldiers on the ship fellow Daxamites?

That's great, actually.

Rosario Dawson.

Davos is just way more compelling to watch. The actor is intense.

I wish they had framed the cage fighting more as a release for Colleen rather than a means of finance.

Yeah, but she didn't get much to do in it besides get rescued and then stand vigil over Wolverine.

I think you're giving the fandom far too much power in this scenario. As dissatisfied with the show as I was in seasons three and four, I have still stuck around, after all.

Kevin Smith can't direct for shit. That was awful.

She apparently only had a week to film because she was shooting the last season of that… awful show.