Ta-er al-Asfer

12 is great and then 13 is garbage - I suppose I was more interested in one antagonist than the final one.

I wish the show had been more clear about this. What should have read as fun read as patronizing.

Way to sound like a condescending prick. Nobody gives a fuck what you think.

Oh, fuck. Now I'll never not be disappointed he didn't get cast.


Episode 10 introduces a twist that makes the show a bunch of fun. I honestly can't believe they held off for so many goddamn episodes.

I have to agree. Finn Jones simply doesn't seem like he's much of a martial artist, let alone an athlete. And they stage so many fights on this show where Danny can barely take on one person in a fight.

Why are you always rooting against Marvel? Show us on the doll where Stan Lee touched you.

Just… don't.

THANK YOU! Madame Gao being part of The Hand came out of nowhere. I thought she was from some entirely different group.

I don't disagree with you, but I still can't help rolling my eyes every time Danny says something stupid he's trying to make profound.

So Danny kind of sucks. He's child-like naive and then he spouts fortune cookie nonsense.

I think David Wenham has just aged really well.

The actors playing Ward and his father Harold look exactly the same age. It's distracting.

I finally got around to reading Oryx & Crake. I love dystopian fiction, and I loved Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, but this didn't work for me. The characters were shallow.


How many people has the Hood/Arrow/Green Arrow straight up murdered since the show began? Revealing himself would open him up to arrest, no?

I'm hoping that's the case.

Trump is an illiterate fuckwad. I hope he dies while in office.

Full disclosure: I haven't started Iron Fist yet - I'm still at work.