Ta-er al-Asfer

Gee, thanks

Works both ways. Black people need to get off well-fare, but we need to revive the dead coal industry for middle America.

"I only hit you because you keep calling me abusive. This is your fault!"

They should invest in some bootstraps.

Lol sure thing, babe.

You matter, Mike!

Your safety is in my thought and prayers.


The left who elected a black guy twice?

Tough shit.

omg a WHITE guy had the audacity to say that about white people???

The only thing I'm doing violently is rolling my eyes. You poor, little baby. You must be terrified of your own shadow because you think it's a brown person.

Cool story, bro.

Wow. That took such bravery of you!

*cracks knuckles aggressively*

That's fucking genius. Even something as simple as a painting of him hanging in a scene would be neat.

So I was VERY confused about one detail. He body swapped and left the hospital as Sydney, correct?

Getting drenched is the best part of dong hanging.

2017 is a fucking drag

but what if they find out the actual project in Mindy Project is white internment camps?