Ta-er al-Asfer

I trust the writers, but holy shit that was a gut punch. Brett Dier has been utterly delightul on the show, and Michael's marriage to Jane, in particular, has been a highlight.

Remember they created an X-Woman game and then never released it? What a shame.

I loved playing as Jean and launching soldiers into walls and each other.

It's like how something like Space Jam seemed like a perfectly acceptable movie as a kid, and as soon as I started to develop a sense of what a movie should be, you realize what a piece of shit it is.

Dang, I'm way behind. Is there a website that shows all the current characters available?

Hey, at least this shitshow is benefiting someone.

There's gonna be so much cumming. Just, like, all of the cum.

No! Don't fall into that trap!

He doesn't age, the sumbitch

At least you're consistently an F, jenna.

Wait, you consider Grodd a bad thing???

What's frustrating about this is, if the CW insists on having 22 episodes, there needs to more experimentation. Change up the format or focus entirely on a side character like Fringe or Buffy would do. This told us nothing new about these characters.

Marvel Future Fight for mobile devices is basically a watered down version of Ultimate Alliance.

I can't believe that Jessica Jones only, if I'm remembering correctly, had one investigation outside the main plot of the season. Hopefully season two has more one-off mysteries.

The fight scene in the finale is straight-up embarrassing.

I really loved most of it, but I hated how vague The Hand were as villains.

I really liked her Black Widow run.

Yeah isn't his training more in the realm of Doctor Strange than Daredevil?

Learn grammar, you dumb asshole.

We're cumming for you next, Harper.