Ta-er al-Asfer

I agree with both points. It felt like a stunning move in the moment, and then in retrospect felt like the death blow.

As long as it doesn't fall apart in the second half like Luke Cage, which I'm probably never going to watch again.



Still a really dumb line that Berlanti should have nixed.

So that Jane could build a home and make love to her husband.

I never understand the "if they had done this, I would have been DONE with the show" sentiment. Like, cool? I can't imagine the showrunners give a flying fuck that you threatened to quit watching the show.

They've literally been teasing Michael's death since the first season.

It's just a retread of the one from DOFP, and it was tonal whiplash next to Havok dying.

I've been dreading/anticipating Michael's death since season one. Brett Dier is so goddamn charming and beautiful, and Jane seems so comfortable with Michael.

At least no Guardian this week.

Schmucks across the board.

I'm hoping the stress is slowly, literally killing Kellyanne.

Bringing up Force Awakens is appropriate to compare to the MCU. Formulaic? Sure, but the characters are so damn great.

He has really great comments in the DC TV reviews, but something either Marvel-related or critical of the DC movies sends him into a spiral.

Suicide by tornado was way funnier than they intended it to be.

Did Stan Lee molest you?


I still can't believe what a pile of horse shit Apocalypse was.

She's killer when she's simply sitting in front of a piano and belting out a ballad. Everything else is a distraction.