Ta-er al-Asfer

I re-watched Jason Bourne with my dad, who loves those movies. It's still not great, or entirely necessary, but I enjoyed it much more than the first viewing.

Remember the garbage Amanda Waller we got on Arrow?

Zoom, I believe it was called. Cuz the bus went zoom-zoom.

Really? There wasn't a decent action scene in the whole movie.

Bendis' run on X-Men was also a pile of shit.

You're taking a brace stand, looking out for oppressed white folk. Sorry about your mom, though.


How old are you?

Right, right, only one discussion can be had, among all topics, at one time. Makes total sense.

Don, we talked about Internet privileges. Why must you push your luck?

You're so brave standing up to anti-racist racists, which I'm gathering you believe is an actual thing.

Calm down.

Considering how loud and talentless you are, that's pretty rich.

Calm down.

Sarah Connor Chronicles is very good and very underrated.

Those pencils are exquisite.

I understand that the tides of fandom demand that we prop up our starlets before tearing them down, so it's inevitable that everyone turns on Lawrence. I just wish we could have used that energy on someone who deserves it.

Day-by-day, hour-by-hour, Trump spent his campaign chucking insane, outrageous shit at us, and we simply couldn't keep up. There's nothing he can do that will phase his voters.

Honestly, I'm a little excited (besides horrified, angry, confused) about the fact that *we* get to be the shit-stirrers going forward. I can't wait to watch Trump get undermined, disrespected, and made fun of every minute of his time as president.

You deserve everything that happens under Trump's presidency.