Ta-er al-Asfer

I'm pretty sure they confirmed he's the fourth member of the Legion of Doom. He probably had to finish filming Prison Break.

To be fair, Miller stopped aging about twenty years ago. It's uncanny.

That fight between Sara and Malcolm was a long time coming. Not only did he sink the Queen's Gambit, he also orchestrated Sara's murder.

It's a little all over the place, but Tom Holland is delightful.

Obscenity is all that I've got left since the election, if I'm being honest.

Seeing a lot of "he didn't do anything for Americans" comments, so I'm gonna raise my hand. As a young-ish queer person, it was incredible seeing marriage equality made law.



2017 is going to SUCK.

Sweet. You do you.


Sure thing.

Arrow season four: as baffling and terrible as season three?

If you outright refuse to even listen to the song, why tf should anyone bother laying out the case for you?

Thea Queen and Sara Lance would like a word.

The Thea who dated Roy is far removed from who Thea is now.

Yeah, this season has been a huge upswing in quality. I would watch episodes 18, 19, and 23 of season four just to get through the big character stuff that helps set up season five.

It's a good song. Google it.

If the exact same song was recorded by Kacey Musgraves or Miranda Lambert, would we be having this conversation?

It's a country song. The reasoning behind excluding her is nakedly obvious.