
Looking through their backer messages, all I can find is 2014, and that they still haven't developed the keyboard/mouse controls. I'm quite fond of mobile games (I'd snap a Vita version of this up in a heartbeat) but I can't stand iOS, so we're kind of in the same boat.

As much as I enjoy the Lego games, I'll wait for the inevitable "Collector's Edition" that will come out after both games have been released.

Thank goodness it wasn't just me... I re-read that sentence about five times trying to figure it out. I can't even figure out what it was supposed to say!

Yeah, I was scratching my head at that sentence as well...

Indeed. And now that we have sufficiently explained the joke, I believe it is dead. Let this comment threat be an overly large tombstone to it's name

Would she be able to resist his charms, you say?

How can you have this many people respond and not point out that ME IS Windows 2000. What the hell do you think ME stands for? Millennium.

Yeah, she easily could have been a puppy for all her character development. Or maybe just a really nice painting that Lara had to save. Or a gold brick. You get my point.

"This change was a direct result of customer feedback. You told us you want to be able to buy things using money instead of points, and we listened."

Lol none taken.

Does the report also look at outcomes for women who report rape? When I worked at a uni years ago it was quite common for the men to graduate and the women to drop out due to stress of having to be on campus with the accused, pressure from the accused friends, PTSD, etc.

That's where they put the Cloud.

Typically you want to put your spoiler warnings BEFORE the actual spoiler. You know like below.

Every animal is really the same person.

I have to second that notion, every story is a puzzle piece that fits into the tapestry of this narrative.

Just saw this on Tumblr...

Gah of course, somehow I accessed what's left of my High school history brain cells and read them in reverse lol...