
I remember that. I totally understand where they were coming from.

I do like having more than one mansion, but I felt like it was just missing that sassy story/personality the original had. I definitely get the little nooks and crannies. Also agree about the 3D and gyroscope controls. Weirdly enough, Luigi's mansion was supposed to support 3D on Gamecube as well!

Nintendo Swish is my nickname at work! How did you know?

I love Luigi's Mansion on the GameCube but I thought the 3DS version lost all the personality and magic of the original. The controls weren't as smooth as the GC version and they didn't do any old or new portrait ghosts. Instead they just had a bunch of generic ones. Sad!

I can't even handle you right now.

In order to compete we Innovate. In order to Innovate we redefine… and how do we redefine? With a new definition! Jabberwocky.


I love you.

Actually same. I'd need to be drunk. Or buzzed.

My time has come. (hee hee I said come)

I would be all about that.

I did not see you already posted this. I am ashamed.

Period sex. Period sex. Lay down a towel and party til its dry.

@withoutface:disqus wants to make sure they go to the Good Place. *obnoxious wink*

The sentence "Josh needs some 'Climb Every Mountain' action." is possibly my favorite sentence in this comment section.

I will always think of her as the bitch in apartment 23.


That is hella specific and hella accurate. You are right on. And it sounds exactly like an ex of mine. Also #beentheredonethat

I agree… mostly. I think some people have trouble delving deeper into their entertainment consumption. My sister just finished the first season of CEG and she still isn't getting the point behind the show. She is smart and introspective but can't seem to apply that to her tv or music. She just wants Rebecca happily

I love Maria Bamford and Lady Dynamite is my jam.