
You (the earner) are not being taxed again. The tax is on the transaction to your heir. That heir hasn’t earned anything. Inherited wealth and the construction of a new feudal class should be completely contradictory to a country that won independence from a monarchy.

The US military is one of the largest distributors of humanitarian disaster relief in the world.

“Either you think that the political and social left erred in pushing for equality for trans and other gender non-conforming people, or you don’t.”

We are going to pine for President Cheney after a few months of President Pence.

In the same way lowering the deficit doesn’t lower the total debt, but at least slows its accumulation.

She’s most likely to lose because people won’t turn out for her, not because Trump turned out all the racists.

Nothing in this would reflect influence peddling as it relates to public office.