gorilla good

For a top 10 show, I haven't heard much about it. Might give it chance

They have most of their stuff on Hulu. Haven't seen Atlanta on there though

My top 3 are the Sun's Tirade, THC, and DWTW

Superstore surprised me.. might stay in the rotation

Forgot about The Get Down. Great show, wish they released the whole thing.

Man seeking Woman should get more love. Enjoyable everytime

No qualms with the list except for maybe The Good Place cause I havent seen it or heard much hoopla about it

I guess FX wins best network this year?

And more Jared, that guy fucks

I see a lot of Netflux shows but no Narcos?

Dope that you have Tribeca on the list. I would have about 30 of the same shows on my list, plus Bojack and Narcos

That review is butthash. Stay Woke

Zombies is one of my favorites off the album, along with the ones you mentioned

Chris Rock has 2 specials coming also

I forgot the name of the episode but the One where the kids find the toilet and Die Hard: The Musical are a couple of my favorites

Guess you were right. it was Bernard

It does, but it doesn't mean you have to jump to that conclusion this time with there being no indicator there was time jump. I think it was an Arnold controlled/influenced host.

When Elsie called Benard, he was with Theresa. Immediately after that, she was grabbed. There technically could have been enough of a time skip for Bernard to reach her but it was not presented that way.

No, he was with Theresa at the time.
