gorilla good

Thats my line!!.. It's me..

Jared is the man. Of all the things he's seen or done, Gilfoyle's lying rant made him sad

I thought it won one for the scavenger hunt?

I dont see this being the end, especially since it won an Emmy last year. I see the next veing the end though. Hopefully we get a Venture-esque tv special as well.

What do you mean?

Archer really could've used good ol bullet-sponge Brett this episode. Enjoyed the season, I think this season could have used the extra 2-3 episodes compared to other seasons. It being basically one main story/plot over the season, it having fewer episodes and diverging from the plot a couple times might have hurt

Nice catch, you should have your own detective agency or something

It twas

Thats a bold strategy, WB. Lets see if this pays off

I enjoyed it too. It is probably funnier to me than it should be

Or Winter Soldier Part Deux (w friends)

The whole theme was accountability. The theme kind of started with Winter Soldier and SHIELD being compromised. Then Ultron happen, then ant-man followed the same theme about who should have power/be in control of the suit. Civil War pretty much is about who watches the watchmen in the aftermath of Ultron. Bucky's

Like theme song or the battle of ideologies?

1. X2 2. First Class 3. DoFP 4. The Wolverine/X-Men

It has Tony! Toni! Toné!, in it. Tough to top that

That was my favorite line. My second was when Richard was at the bottom of the stairs "I just tried jumping 8 steps at a time"

Hi, I'm Dirk Delilah

I was thinking more, Robin Shou. Either way, can't deny the kick and its aftermath are awesome.

If kicking the shit out of someone meant saving them, I also would not hesitate to do it.