This "bone broth" sounds a lot like straight stock.
This "bone broth" sounds a lot like straight stock.
Seems there is confusion regarding he comment Mr Figurtoa made. He was talking specifically about Mrs. Obama. I heard the clip, I'm a native Spanish speaker. From Yahoo News:
Remember how Hitler did that anti-Jew rap album that made all the Nazis hate Jewish people? How'd that one song go? "I don't know how to find the volume of a prism/But I do know I love anti-Semitism."
It's not just a certain kind of White woman, though. A lot of Negroes (see, Don Lemon) get their bread buttered by being one of the "good ones" and throwing the "bad ones" under the bus and claiming their sagging pants and nasty music are the reason racism is so persistent.
You wrote that people other than racists are responsible for racism. That is what I attribute to you, and that is why I think you are a bigot.
You literally just admitted that you think that some (not all, though... ) racism is the fault of hip hop - that racism that was centuries in the making is OK now because some Black men routinely call women bitches and hos on records. That Black people have to "earn" not having their Civil Rights violated by…
"Iggy: Shrug. "I'm not in the murda bidness."
"I swear she can be a good person, but the depth of her ingrained racism"
and then take a look at this mic drop from zarif
I wish I could see all the rejected pitches from the fox news room for this story.
-Why are all these african americans out marching? Don't they have JOBS to go to and CHILDREN to raise?
-Sure, they'll march to commemorate the civil rights movement, but what about black-on-black crime? Why is no-one marching in Chicago…
Nope. Dead-pan hate stares are just that. Sometimes it's the only thing you can do short of beating the shit out of someone.
first of all, i live and breath childish bullshit. but the real bullshit is feeling any need at all to a) get semantic over a blog post title and b), mostly just a.
jerkoff motion dot gif
The only people that are "shocked" that this is happening in 2015 are white people. The rest of us are like "eh, it's just another [insert day of the week]."
Yes. It's a struggle to not be racist because we live in a racist culture which makes it not only easy to propagate racism, but sometimes a risk not to. I know my first post kind of puts human agency at a back burner. Someone gets in what turns out to be a racist community where they are constantly subjected to racism…
I don't know who the fuck Bella Hadid is (google says she's a model), so I would add her to the pile.
Or run police departments if you've read that Ferguson report. The thing is... I live in the south and have found myself in various little homogenous social groups before. It takes an incredible amount of moral fortitude to walk into a place full of casual racism and not get sucked in. To start out telling yourself…
And you can best believe that Howard hated their asses. He just got on with it because we wear the mask.
"[T]hat man is going to walk up to the SAE house tomorrow morning and hear that he no longer has a job. He is going to learn who has been working for. And through some cruel twist of fate, he has to lose the job that he has held for over a decade. He is going to lose his job because of a bus full of racist kids."