
Here, it means two people whom actively perpetuate the myth that racism is over and any extreme inequalities that we see along racial lines are due to the inadequacies of minorities rather than any systemic barriers against them. Putting a black face on the typical white conservative denial of racism.

Kara Brown is black...

Colin Jost is on the show so, you tell me.

In solitary. In chains. For all of time.

The worst part of this whole deal is that Korina still got a decoy show at fashion week. After all that bitchcraft and basic ass fashion, she still gets to show at fashion week. Actually the worst part of this is that people are caping for her.

All them fives need to listen when the ten is talking.

Poor Payton.

When I came out, my mom told me:

I mean is it really pretentious if this is the first tweet in a line of tweets that are specifically talking about racial injustice and, specifically, the bullshit that's surrounding the Mike Brown/Darren Wilson case or nah?

How exactly is she (I assume, the singer?) perpetuating racism by stating that she is important? Is it because her statement makes you deny out loud that she is important, whereas you'd have otherwise kept your racist feelings to yourself?

But it's just hard to imagine a lady that large being all "gangster-y". Just like I crack the fuck up at Rick Ross, because that dude clearly has lived a fairly suburban life.

Brittney Cooper said it best "Black women are the most hyper-visible yet invisible people." Everyone thinks they know us, but nobody really cares about our internal lives.

Hell, I'd never shower with the guy. Or, for that matter, any other guy. Or girl. Hell no. That's just not how I roll. And I'm damn sure not about to shower in an open locker room. Hello, what about privacy? Who are these people who are showering in front of all these other people? Not me, that's who. Everyone rubbing

This dress is not flattering on her, but I love her as a blonde, and her makeup is pretty.

yeah this is truth.

"I'M NOT CONDEMNING HER! Im not attacking her."

Thunderstorms pass, and you can play golf anytime. You don't need to be out playing golf. You can't even really play golf in the rain. This woman needs to work to feed her family, and needs to figure out something to do with her child while she is at work.