
Why limit yourself?

Varys is heading back to King's Landing to get there in time for Kevan's return.

What the fuck are you talking about, asshole? I answered your fucking question accurately and timely, what's your fucking beef?

He did. But I was using book canon. They're supposed to only be 2-3x times taller than men, just crazy thicker and hairier. There's also lots of allusion to being able to cross-breed with humans, something obviously impossible with Giants the size of Wun Wun this year or even Mag last year, but the Umbers, Hodor,

"This dude" isn't in the books, but "this name" is.

Stannis is so Lawful Neutral, I think GRRM was looking at an alignment chart when making his characters.

I don't think they were much bigger than 15-20 feet.

…Unless it's all a ruse to throw us off from an icy lizard-lion and a fiery turtle from the Rhoyne.

Great. Now I can no longer like the Oldtown/Citadel plotline.

It was also repeated by D&D in the featurette following the episode about 12 times in 3 minutes.

*If so, Braavos

Clearly you don't understand either the non-exclusive understanding of what a "payment" can constitute, nor the words "metaphor" or "sacrifice", do you?

Yeah, because he totally had to wait for the episode to air…

Who said they get paid in cash? Have you been watching this show?
They also/primarily take prayers to any of the Gods of Death along with sacrifice from the supplicant.

Nope, he was definitely a ship's insurer.

It doesn't matter whether they're main characters, all that matters is their class. You can't burn lordlings like you can millers' (or farmers' for some reason) sons…

She's a young girl and knows little in the ways of war.

When were Targs kind rulers? Several times.
Or by "GoT history" do you specifically not mean "ASOIAF history"?

"Actually, our preferred endonym is 'Magyar'" - Conan the Hungarian.

What is best in life?