
I can’t even imagine how you’ll top this one for the next time. This is rough

If you think PA, DE, NJ drivers are bad. take a trip to VA between DC and Richmond. Southern Connecticut is also awful. I used to deliver motorcycles for a living on the East Coast 

That’s exactly what the motor in General Mayhem (at least the first one anyway) is from

There really isn’t. I’m a miserable person

I know they were unreliable deathtraps, but even working at a Honda/Kia dealership at the time I loved that era Sportage. Never bought one... because... well, I’m not an idiot.

Are they saying beer gets you drunker than doing shots?

Yep, that’s also an old car

my 2nd job is a bouncer, and seeing ID’s that are of legal age that their birthdate is the year I started my senior year is really hard. That said, 26 is pretty old for a car.

same here

This thing may actually be the Canyonero 

Hockey is by far my favorite sport, I’m not a Hurricanes fan (Flyers) but I don’t see a problem with these post game celebrations by the Hurricanes. Though this is my first time hearing about it. How can someone wearing the getups Cherry typically does say anything about someone being flamboyant?

they’re not aluminum?

My Braaaand

well, im glad youre being an adult

It’s hard to get a Saturn sl to rust

I don’t agree so much with the wrangler sport, but everything else is spot-on

Is the exterior going to look like that? Because that’s my favorite part. Maybe I should just go out and get a 2nd Gen Civic

I’d say I was surprised that you didn’t start this project until now. But I can’t. Never change David, these articles are always a great read and good luck.

I didn’t even get a class let alone a semester

Years ago I worked at a dealership and my bay was next to the bodyshop. someone had come in because their White Honda Accord had just nailed a deer. It looked similar to this, except that blood dries brown and he definitely didn’t want his car looking like that