
I watched it last week and it was meh. I think all the hype I have seen about it watered it down for me.

Rage Against the Dialysis Machine

I’m loving this little whodunnit renaissance we seem to be going through at the moment.

There’s no reason why this can’t be true. Maybe the songs weren’t good and were rejected but that doesn’t mean they weren’t written. Maybe there are some quickly forgettable tunes that she penned. Hopefully no one’s approval matters to her (especially any here). 

Naw that’s just saying that in every crowd, there’s that one twat that thinks he’s funnier and more clever than everyone else around. In these comments, that bozo is you.

Go back to Logic class, because your ‘argument’ is circular and unsound.

Looks like I will be part of the very few that agree with you. I have been saying this for months, and louder since the passing of tv god Normal Lear.

Yep, that how actors work, they play multiple roles in different movies :)

I’ve seen this “hot take” on the internet for years along with this idea that back in the 90s, the McAllisters looked more middle class but as a kid back then living in the Chicago suburbs I can say “Fuck No”. They were always rich. Technically maybe they were “upper middle” class but like at the very top of that

The soldiers grabbed the girl and carried her into their abode. One of them tried to protect her and the others subdued him and threatened to make him watch. The CO then comes and says he gets first crack at her.”

“While a movie like Past Lives”

I feel like broadly, especially with the idea that every film must be the jumping-off point of a multimedia franchise and the idea of catering to hardcore nerds, the fact that you don’t need to tell us everything about the world and that people will be more engaged if they’re not spoon-fed is a lost art. Star Wars

Ah, so he’s moved onto the id Tech 2 engine.

Comparing it to some of the most beloved sci-fi movies

Honest to god, people forget what made the original star wars interesting. Luke, the backwater farm boy is a stand in for a naive audience unfamiliar with the world he is about to enter. Think about the first time Obi-Wan trails about Anakin. He says the absolute barest minimum about him, the Clone Wars, all that.

Maybe it’s because I was in college and both a) young and b) perpetually drunk enough to appreciate 300, but Zack Snyder has built his entire career around style over substance. It works when the entire premise of a movie is “oiled up Greek dudes killing Persians in slow motion,” but the rest of his filmography is

Calling the bad guys “The Imperium” deserves to be dragged more, esp. since Snyder straight up stole that from Auralnaut’s Star Wars parodies.

I think it says something about the power of cinema that I never worried myself with such a question.

Snyder looked at a shot of the vast, darkness of space. “Can we make it darker? I feel that would be edgier,” he directed.