I know it’s tasteless and (rightfully) wouldn’t fly nowadays but every once in a while the “Mr. F!” jingle pops up in my head and I start to giggle.
I know it’s tasteless and (rightfully) wouldn’t fly nowadays but every once in a while the “Mr. F!” jingle pops up in my head and I start to giggle.
Well, it’s a Barsanti newswire, so if you’re looking for some sort of POV to anchor the snark to you’re out of luck.
Vote with your wallets people. Don’t see Kill Bill when it comes out.
That is his voice, actually.
That’s why I watched both Go On and Mr. Sunshine. I liked them both, despite their obvious weaknesses. But Perry alone was reason for me to check both shows out, at least.
I had no idea he had swimming problems. Because the article doesn’t mention anything else.
I really wish people would stop rationalizing explicit bigotry with mental illness.
I mean, if someone wrote a play about how I was an asshole, and then they were like “bUt It’S fIcTiOnAl” I would be super irritated. People who watch this play aren’t going to walk away saying “that was funny, but of course it’s not a documentary and I shouldn’t let any of this content color my opinion of Richard…
Oh I don’t think the other gens are less horny than we were; they just grew up with near limitless access to online pornography of everything.
So they’re just kinda over it.
What I feel is missing from a lot of these reports on the study (beyond how weird it is to lump 10 year-olds’ opinions on this with 24 year-olds) is the fact that there’s less sex in film than ever, yet erotic content is more at our fingertips; it feels like a lot of people conflate the availability of porn with the…
A three hour movie is a much more intense, emotionally/intellectually draining experience than even a 10 hour television series can be.
Partially because there’s a comforting rhythm that forms in the beginning-middle-end of watching TV shows versus the single arc of a movie. And most people aren’t binging the kind of…
eh, she’s a rising star and a native american, makes sense she’s going to be asked about this movie a bunch of times and i’m sure there was pressure on her to see it and comment on it, at least in support of the Osage crewmen and native american actors
What the fuck? How about Option C: as an Indigenous actor, she wanted go see this prestigious movie that features other Indigenous folks and then gave her genuine opinion on it. You misogynist psycho.
Really, it’s like the difference between eating a steak and downing a bag of potato chips: sure, that calorie intake may be the same, but the dining experience that leads to the consumption of either is very different.
I see this sentiment sometimes and it always irks me. The nature of TV narrative is *not the same* as film narrative. You shouldn't compare the experiences as a 1:1. The expectations are different, the nature of the plot and character progression are different, the structure is different... It's not apples and oranges…
I don’t believe there’s much to overthink here. It was completely inoffensive, with a likeable cast that delivered the expected beats every week. Enough people grew up with it as youngsters that it is remembered fondly. And Lori Laughlin was an absolute heater, in an appropriately wholesome way.
Yeah, that’s the thing about most “beloved” sitcoms: they weren’t “beloved” so much as...on. My family watched Home Improvement every week. I don’t think a single one of us particularly loved it hated it; it was just preferable to whatever was on the other networks. Occasionally you'd luck out and what was on was…
When I was a kid I loved everything that aired on the TGIF block, so it must have worked perfectly. But pretty much everything on it suffered from the same problems, though none as much as Full House did.
Full House absolutely was a terrible sitcom. It had a pretty professional cast, but compared to other shows at the time it was written towards families with young kids. I can see why Stamos was such a hater towards the whole thing considering he was a prime age to be doing other and better things but ended up stuck in…
my dear boy everyone is aiming for good first. it goes without saying.