

Tornado next week

I would drop my mcNuggets in shock

Apparently only how it taste

I was right to be scared 0.o

Well NYC time to start walking

It was my first too, but come one seriously I live in PA so for me it was stronger then in NY and i still didn't freak out it was even that bad (that don't sound right)

For now.........

The Day after tomorrow maybe?


lmfao that caption pushed me off the edge lol

started Reading and was confused... 2.4 2.5 2.6 wtf are they talking about, then i realized it was the Linux Kernel and not Ubuntu (mentioned first)

Everything Bigger In texas, even the dropout numbers (if they ever make it that far)


lmao i just confused disabilities

Good-O Money bribes with some Apple Furniture, works every time

The rumors of Apple turning into Microsoft are starting to get some backbone

So your saying hillbillies having sex with their sisters is okay?

haha his hairs funny

lmao wtf lol