
The link to condoms means it’s probably to discourage people from using them, so they can make more Mormon babies. 

I also question why they are so on about UTIs. I’m a very UTI prone human being—I have to do a lot to keep from getting them (pee, hydration, pre- and pro-biotics, excess vitamin C, all sorts), have a urologist, all that jazz. But even before I got everything under control, I didn’t get a UTI every time I had sex, nor

Or a complete lack of rub, as the case may be.

If you want a real chilling example of the LDS approach to gynecology, when I lived in California years ago there was a large Mormon community not too far away where many of the wives all went to the same LDS OBGYN. They were so ill-informed about what went on in a normal gyno visit and so lacking in fundamental

Mormons are taught that masturbation is EVIL and DIRTY, just like pre-marital sex is EVIL and DIRTY. Somehow they the EVIL, DIRTY, BARELY FORGIVABLE, EQUAL TO MURDER sex becomes magically OK once the right words are said in the right temple. Molly Mormons and Peter Priesthoods are absolutely not prepared

Bladder infections from sex are most common for women whose partners have been circumcised. Circumcision dramatically changes how a man moves in sex, and cut men are far more likely to drive bacteria into the urethra, as well as cause micro-tears in the vaginal walls due to being more aggressive in their movements as

Hey just wanted to clarify that Zoe is non-binary and goes by they/them (links for confirmation) 

And lo, the Angel of the Internet did bring forth from the firmament or something.... The Vaginal Dilator!!!

It’s purposeful, to increase the stigma against sex. If you think it’s going to be painful or your body needs weeks of preparation beforehand you’re going to be more intimidated and more likely to wait for marriage.

How much of a weenie do you have to be to contact the secret service over lyrics?

Pee tape is still undisputed number one, but footage of Eminem rapping along to the FBI agent’s deadpan recitation of his lyrics is making a strong play for “video that needs to see the light of day dear god please can’t we just have something good for a change because damn we’ve been suffering too long now and that

“At the show’s intermission a woman started yelling about him being there. She was shouting and crying and seemed to be the only sane person there.”

Problem is he keeps refusing help. Think he said he came off his meds last year, which may explain his sudden dive from regular egotist to “born again” egotist.

Sure, he just has his goons kick them out. Nice of the venue to let him dictate who can stay and go.

Is it a given to anyone else that his out-of-left-field religious zeal is a manifestation of untreated or under-treated bipolar disorder? This seems like a clear example of religious mania; the subject just happens to express it with ungodly amounts of money and no one around him is willing to intervene. Regardless of

Can I tell you, somebody in my tiny community went to all the trouble of painting Trump 2020 signs and nailing them up on the main road into town. I made a plan with a friend to take them down, but before we could other people got to them. One sign was changed to CHump 2020. One just disappeared. One had DUMP nailed

God almighty, can you imagine if your fucking boss was like “Please don’t have sex other than with your spouse during the time we’re working on this project.”  It’s like that whole “I can’t have sex because my coach says it will hurt my performance” bullshit.

Why would this particular group of people be afforded special privacy protections beyond and outside the norm of everyone else?

You really didn’t think he was this stupid? Ah to be that naive again. I remember back before his birther movement when I might have agreed with you. However this isn’t the latest or dumbest thing he’s said, by far. Remember when he blamed California’s forest fires on them not sweeping the forest?

This is a seriously awesome take after reading an article which directly explains the harm caused by the performers real names being public. Although, apparently the deranged people that target them are not at fault, it is on them for choosing that profession in the first place.