
I'm not sure, but this place looks very similar to those 1980's photos that were published on one of the Kinja sites a couple months back.

I squeeze out my toothpaste on the edge of a countertop, just like straightening out a dollar on the edge of a vending machine.

He's got moves like lagger

The first Animal Crossing game for the Gamecube always reminded me of the LoZ: A Link to the Past. I think Nintendo used/modified the engine in creating LoZ: A Link Between Worlds.

The older gentleman reminds me of Noah Wyle.

For those outside of the US. Proxmate helps.

The deflector shield thing reminds me so much of Giga Wing 2's Reflect Force/ Reflect Laser.

If you think about it, the Gamecube version was sort of like a Zelda game where the world was divided into squares. I'm still hoping for Nintendo to remake A Link To The Past with the Animal Crossing engine, but I won't get my hopes up.

Is that a prototype Gamecube on the top too?

Back in the 90's in the Philippines, every Sunday I'd wake up to the squeals of a pig to be roasted. My grandpa's brother used to roast pig every Sunday and sell it by the road. And if I hang around for a couple of minutes, he'd give me a plate of it. Yum. Oh yeah, look up "lechon" as it's a very common and very

All those items fitting into other things reminds me of this scene from Austin Powers.

Don't forget the live action Goemon film.

Sony needs Kevin Butler. He could probably boost sales for the PS Vita.

My uncle had these IBM computers at the house and they ran on DOS, I think. We'd insert floppy disks into them to play games or run a command to do so. I remember one time I was playing around with it and I ran a file and a naked woman popped up with her boob jiggling. I showed it to my brother and sister, but a

Pretty much nailed what I was trying to say. Haha.

I just recently played FFXI. Bought it since it was $5. Played the 30-day free trial. The game has changed since I last played it 9 years ago. What I like about this is that everyone's equal, working hard to get that best in-game item, not by going the easy way by buying through an item store like in Pay-to-Play

I agree with what you said. I remember comments for Mario Kart 7, saying that the graphics look bad. It looks way better in action. Graphics isn't everything, though it's a plus.

Ah Grandia II. I think I've run away from a battle in this game just once when I was getting sleepy other than that if I encountered a battle, I'd go through it to the end. "Tenseiken Slash!"

Now playing

It's not Black Ops II but this kill is awesome.

It's like a giant single pixel.