
I'll answer that. Horse racing uses a parimutuel system. This means that all the money bet is put into a pool, and the track takes a percentage, and then the winners get the rest. So, for example with small numbers, say $100 are bet for all horses to win. The track will skim off say $20. That leaves $80 in the pool.

This is why Nintendo should make a console that can actually compete with the PS4/Xbox One. A PS4 with Nintendo exclusives instead of Sony exclusives would probably be the most popular console out of the three.

He butter not do that to my car or he'll be toast.

"I'll clean out your sewer, guv'na! All's I need is tuppence and a bucket!"

We did most of these as children. So what's new about this? Because it's japan?

They left out the best part.

That's like threatening to fight every heterosexual at a Melissa Etheridge concert.

Luckily for the divers, virtually everything in Bristol is shallow.

Takes one to know one!
