
Indoor plumbing for obvious reasons.

impology accepted.

I still like the idea of changing the logo to a red skinned potato

I liked the movie and I am sure this guy has made some great points, but I am not into reading a 1,764 word opinion. I give it an A.

Stop being such a little biotch, Robin Arryn.

Getting Wax out of Carpet.....how do I do this?

Playstation did not give me my 4 free days. They cut my subscription the day it was up.

Indoor Plumbing

hank basket 2.0. I feel bad for the guy though.

Tesla and the AC/DC battle

Rosenthal gave an interview to Gothamist about the legislation and her goals. "There's no reason to do it unless the animal has infection that is never going away, or if there is a cancer or tumor-related issue in the claw,"

Pretty cool Stuff!

I thought she meant his TV show was ugly

Yeah Broheim? What gives?

Why would you want to be married to this crazy woman?

That's not what i asked, but thanks.

How do you know the guy is not making that noise?

How do you know it is not the guy purring?

Capitalize on Tragedy! Good Thinking McD's!

not worth it. Watch Marco Polo instead. Still boring, but a little more action.