They have the metric system - the US has the goofy measurement system.
He had an entire career for which he was very well known looooong before /Drive you know...
yeah i don’t get that. he was jalopnik’s chris harris for less than a year no? /Drive’s chris harris.
He made his name on the /Drive network if anything.
Better than the article.
Close enough for the current LaneSplitter.
Pretty sure you're ruining any cred you might have with the readership by using the verb drive in conjunction with a motorcycle.
Ok, so Lanesplitter is officially dead. I’m sorry, but a page that does nothing but feature old ass motorcycle crashes and shenanigans already exits everywhere else on the internet. I mean, if Gawker is going to put zero effort in, why have Lanesplitter in the first place?!!
Fuck knows the last thing you fuckers seem…
guys, you might as well just wind down Lanesplitter. I appreciate that you fought the good fight, but it’s clear where Gawker’s priorities are, and Lanesplitter isn’t on the list. half-heartedly trying to keep it going with the helmet cam vid du jour isn’t fulfilling the original goal of making motorcycle journalism…
Yeah, it’s just a turrible one.
Why buy a new 747 when you could buy this used 727 for 1/20th of the price.
Let me get this straight. Not only did someone make a faster BRZ (something that Toyota/Subaru alternately tell people they cannot or will not do), but they used a snowmobile motor AND it gets 100mpg? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
This article is blatant, horrific selfie-shaming
The stupidest trend on the car world.
Stopped caring…
And this is why BBS’s are $1000+ per corner, kids
Is there any reason one shouldn’t just spend $500 more on the real bike and learn to use the throttle appropriately?
How did you get Jason to do something except for talk about old air cooled cars?
There is absolutely no such thing as cheap racing.