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    Because USD looks shit on something so unashamedly retro. Simples.

    Mermaid and Martini haven't exactly reinvented the wheel, both bikes are quite safe in terms of styling, which when you consider how hideous the Deus one turned out is probably quite a good thing.

    Unfortunately not. This engine doesn't have one.

    The Classic comes with the same forks as the other bikes. Mermaid changed them to RWU.

    And nobody is buying it. The majority of us have never seen one on the road. And that's a shame, because the SS is quite a good car.

    Who believes this shit any more? They've had a rwd 3-series fighter in the works since the early 2000s if you believe the press. It's getting a bit silly now. They've had a dozen years to remove the thumb from their ass.

    GM's Ecotec four banger has made its way into a fair few engine compartments.

    Nope, that's terminal. Bent roof means bent chassis, looking at the structural parts just in front of the door it didn't look to healthy to begin with.

    Can't wait to see what nugget of wisdom from this season will become the standard go-to response for 2015 front page discussions...

    Don't worry, this is the front page, truth and actual experience take a back seat to ad nauseam repetition of rubbish people have heard on Top Gear or continuous HELLCAT!!!!111!!!ONE!!! type outbursts.

    So we're just going with what Top Gear says then?

    As much as this guy is a chrome-plated, weapons-grade idiot, Smuggy McSmugpants isn't exactly helping... :)

    Something sounds clunky...

    I'm sure they will, they've been bailed out by Italian taxpayer money so many times that one more won't hurt the next time the auto market has a bit of a hiccup.

    And it's also hilariously badly made.

    Good lord no.

    Slight correction, Ferrari's Technical Director is James Allison, James Allen is the cock who used to spout bullshit on ITV's F1 coverage.

    If it's funny.

    I can deal with preference. But this seems more like people repeating things ad nauseam because Jalopnik always talks about it, just like Ferrari fires and whatever recent crap Clarkson has been spouting.

    Who says you can't enjoy driving a paddle-shifted performance car? I honestly don't get it. Most of this hue and cry over manuals just seems like Luddite nonsense.