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    While I'm sure the driving experience will make poo come out of your bottom, this is the blandest-looking car I have seen in a long time.

    I believe that every car in the world has some inherent dignity. Someone designed it, someone took the time to engineer components, a team put their names on the project, there's someone's life in there, every car must have some value, something good about it.

    So these are ok without stick shift?

    That first bit of the video reminded me of Wipeout.

    I like this a lot. Yes it's a repost, but at least it's not a fucking Saab.

    Yet another article trashing Ferrari. Oh joy!

    I used to have a Toyota Aygo. The pedal needed to be on the carpet to make anything approaching meaningful progress. I got more speeding tickets with that than with every other car I own.

    If they're smart enough to pick it up. I've seen Ferrari shifters beaten to shit by people who couldn't manage it.

    I found out about MCM from a reply to a Jalopnik post with a link to the budget street cred film. From then on I've watched every episode and I'm going to be in Australia next month and I'm going to order a bunch of stuff off their website while I'm there to support them. I'd much rather spend my hard earned on

    Ferrari's top gear ratio on a manual gearbox is so long it's almost interstellar, it won't be disturbed while driving on a residential street, unless you're going far too fast.

    What I want to know is why someone would go from sixth to reverse...

    Mighty Car Mods, brilliant, honest, helpful. Oh yeah, and it's FREE.

    An off road motorcyclist was killed in Italy by piano wire hung at neck level. Lovely people these country folk.

    Nice set of non-offensive wheels and it's perfect.

    While I completely agree with you, I would argue that most volume manufacturers could boast similar improvements.

    Surely Saab should be on this list? It is Jalopnik after all! Ten years ago they were making cars and now they're dead.

    You've obviously never been caught in a sudden downpour. *Puts random passive agressive bit in between asterisks.*

    It's all fun and games until you get caught in the rain and the closing roof dumps a couple of gallons of water in your lap.

    Wrong hand drive, rot and power insufficient to rip the nose of a chocolate mouse. Crack Pipe.

    What a walking foreskin.