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    Massive respect.

    This is a fairly common occurrence on quite a few building sites in Italy I've been to...

    Oooh, penis waving competititons, joy! I've only been three times this year (been busy racing y'see). Your condescending tone is a delight by the way...

    Who says manual is more entertaining? I really wish you stick shift illuminati would stop suckling the Clarkson teat and actually try something instead of pouring derision on it. But I guess this is much easier.

    Bosozoku the thing.

    Let the auto hate go people. PDK is FASTER, and that's all this car is about, going faster. Yes I know, manual tactility, heel-and-toe, blah blah blah. Buy a 997GT3RS if it's that much of a big deal.

    It's an extreme version of the already-extreme GT3, it's sole purpose in life is to go fast on track.

    It sounds so unrelentingly bland...

    Barring the car, absolutely everything in that image is utterly hideous.

    Thank you, my standard response to any video crash from now on will always be HE TOO OLD! HE COULDN'T HANDLE THAT! Y'ALL KNOW BETTER!!!

    A swift perusal of Google Maps satellite view shows it still there...

    I'm no fan of the original Smart car, however it doesn have the positive element of being small, easy to park and fairly cheap. This thing though I just cannot stomach. A good-looking little device, robbed of any chance of success by an engine which steadfastly refused to rev, a transmission which spent most of its

    But, but, it's just so hideous!

    All of the hateful BMW GTs should get an honourable mention, as well as that R-Class abomination from Mercedes.

    Except for it being the first small car to go all aluminium.

    This. The end.

    Definitely not from Ferrari. He's from one of the dozen or so 'Rent a Ferrari' places dotted around Maranello. A few hundred euros and you get ten minutes of driving a Ferrari in traffic. They're complete idiots who routinely endanger themselves and others by handing these cars over to the first idiot who comes along.

    A turd of almost heroic dimensions.

    I think they look brilliant. 13 inch wheels are a massive anachronism in a series which prides itself of cutting-edge technology. I hope this happens sooner rather than later.

    Autocrossing fascinates me. It doesn't seem to exist outside the US, which is a great shame because it seems like an easy and cheap way to enjoy some racing that isn't over a quarter mile (not that we get much of that in Europe eother to be fair) and I'd love to try it. I'm guilty of poopooing drifting, but I'm not