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    A ten minute German advertisement for a purveyor of soulless Korean econoblandness? I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass... :)

    I post this knowing full well what I'm letting myself in for. The BMW E30 M3.

    I hadn't seen that in a while, thank you for brightening my day up considerably!

    Automotive Darwinism.

    +1 for Le Mans shaping up to be quite interesting. What pace were the Audis running at before their untimely demise? An interesting thing that was mentioned at the tail end of the broadcast yesterday is that the Porsches were running in low downforce Le Mans configuration, whereas the other direct competitors were in

    I think it sounds ok. A modern turbocharged engine is never going to set the world on fire when it comes to engine sound. I think the most deplorable aspect of this particular thing is just how awful it looks and how cheaply it appears to have been put together. Now I'm sure the Jalopnik collective will be running

    If that ran on fuel, as opposed to the Devil's urine, it would be perfect.

    I completely agree with you.

    'Built' as in 'built on a production line and readily available to mortals or 'built' as in 'we'll roll a dozen out and sell them to a few Saudi folk just to prove we aren't full of it'?

    Good thing that outside the US what happens on a dragstrip is considered mostly irrelevant.

    Here's an interesting thought. Instead of ploughing umpteen millions into this hideous white elephant and that other monstrosity in Abu Dhabi, how about making the museum NEXT TO YOUR FACTORY slightly less shit? I know Abu Dhabi has more money than you can shake a stick at and Spain has Santander who pays the bills

    For quite a while, I thought the Renault Twizy was a joke, but the last time I was in London, I've seen two in action. If these actually sell, consider my mind blown.

    The hearty belly laugh when the fruit of your loins slams their head into an immovable object. A special moment.

    I have to feel for this guy. However when I look at his option list and see illuminated this, premium sound that, heated the other, I shudder to imagine the metric fuckton of wiring that must be snaking its way around what is, essentially, quite a small space. This is obviously no excuse for a car behaving like it's

    The Citroen SM is one of the coolest cars ever made. In a sea of 'weird for weird's sake' French uselessness its magnificence stands unparalleled.

    Do as I did, buy an old one.

    I wholeheartedly agree with you, but they'll happen anyway. It's like a FP comment safety blanket. Don't know what to say, so I'll bemoan the lack of stick, mention a Ferrari catching fire or write Orlove'd everywhere...

    I quite like that, however I await the deluge of NO STICK comments...

    All of that effort for a fucking Cruze.