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    It does look like one of the better Fiero-based replicas. However saying 'best Fiero-based replica' sounds like 'best venereal disease.'

    I'm not sure about the rest of Europe but big American cars in Italy are always bought by a certain type of person. That kind of person is a loud, crass, ostentatious cocksocket who drives like an idiot and parks in the middle of the road because he isn't good enough to fit his slightly larger car into a normal-sized

    The comments to this posting are making me sad. Handprints? Kicking tyres? Have you all collectively taken leave of your senses? Sienna Miller is gorgeous, this car is more than moderately attractive. The end.

    Sienna Miller makes my pants all hurty.

    As do I. I've been looking for a set for my pre-facelift 500E for aaaages...

    How much difference in power is there between a 4.6 and a 5.0?

    Those AP brakes on the 500E are a very good idea. Mine has the upgraded SL600 setup which is found on the later '93 and '94 cars but they can still get a little bit tired when you've got to haul 1.7 tonnes of car to a stop.

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    Gary Johnson's MV F3 at this year's Tourist Trophy also sounds pretty bloody amazing.

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    Automotive triples sound rubbish because they rev lethargically. How about a nice 885ccc carburettored triple with open filters and no silencing worth writing home about?

    Neutral: Is GM Doing The Right Thing? Did they give up too soon, or is Opel the way to go?

    I guess the WBC have a right to picket, express themselves and generally make nuisances of themselves. What irritates me is that I don't have the right to knock seven shades of shit out of these ignorant, knuckle-dragging, chrome-plated, weapons-grade fuckmooks should I ever come across them.

    Please tell me that thing to the right of the centre console isn't a sodding cupholder.

    This is the car I am most thankful for. Without this, Porsche wouldn't be able to give us concentrated pills of magnificence like the GT3, the 918 and the 911 Turbo.

    What utter misguided tripe. You deserve a medal.

    Pretty sure that's a hillclimb, not a rally.

    There's something of the Audi 100 coupé and Fiat Dino in that first one, it's bloody lovely.

    I'm not so sure. I don't think people outside the US will be too fussed about it not being available as a manual.

    Fair enough, I see your point. However I still can't get on board with the prevailing wind that the addition of a manual transmission is the panacea for all automotive maladies...

    What an epic slab of nothingness...