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    Try not to stray too far from your English Mr Hyde, you English English is rubbish.

    When they ban an entire class of race cars, you know that epic badassery lies therein. For this reason I nominate the collective idiocy which was Group B...

    I'd have them. No doubt about it, I think they're brilliant. Still prefer my wide 15s...


    Who wouldn't want one of these?

    Love it...

    An X5M being described as anything other than weapons-grade bilge? Strange times aboard the good ship Jalopnik...

    The Galleria Ferrari is a fantastic place to visit, I've been a few times and I still spend hours taking pictures of engines...

    Fix the lighter...

    I can't see a gate across which the gear lever can move, so no normal transmission. This is very bad.

    Nice price! I imagine that when you floor it with that thing it doesn't actually move forwards, it's the earth that moves backwards.

    No more Mr Nice Guy. That guy's brain's out for summer. The guy who made this car needs some Poison in his diet and someone needs to Feed this Frankenstein to the crusher.

    I'm not a purist (but I'm lucky enough to be an owner) and I friggin' LOVE it...

    I think it's stunning. I know a lot of people didn't like the 612 but I loved that too. This is a step in the right direction if you ask me. Different but still immediately a Ferrari. Not in red though, big Ferrari GTs need to be Blu Tour de France or Blu Pozzi.

    It's got the face of an Audi A1, the midsection of a... Nope, I fell asleep...

    The Porsche 934, flame-spitting, turbo lag crazed monster which still managed to look almost like a 'normal' 911...

    It doesn't like going slow, it hates traffic and it will throw you into the scenery at the slightest provocation...

    A pair of Recaros from any mid/late eighties German sports saloon, new gaskets and lots of sideways fun. Nice Price!

    1 down (insert not really impressive, augmented by fleet purchases figure here) to go...