
Why is Casey Chan considered a blogger by just reposting others’ work, but Melania got hung out to dry as a plagiarist?

Hands free is fine. Not this idiocy of talking on speaker phone whilst holding it...

Plus putting points on your licence increases your insurance.


I always wonder about the providence of people who talk about “weak white men.” White men didn’t invent the word triggered, and literally every other group has had the “safe space” demand which can be summed up as “a place white men are not allowed so we can feel safe.”

that was easily deduced...

my guess is Anna Kendrick. Mike and Dave has her, Zafron, Adam Devine and April Ludgate, plus whoever else in the film, i haven’t seen it so i don’t know, but I’m gonna guess Rebel Wilson.

While you might not deem ‘Zafron’ as good cast, it’s likely that Chrissy doesn’t want to insult all the young and probably fine

All ages: Dog
No ages: Cat

I wish the proper context to this would be reported. This year a new Secretary General is being selected and there was a huge push to finally have a woman UN SecGen. Instead, no woman even made it into the final rounds. Despite the most qualified candidates, objectively being women. Instead, it turned into a proxy

“And yet people keeps thinking there is no male privilege and women cry about rape and domestic violence and harassment because we only want money.”

Am I missing something here? If one wanted to scan in all of their old photos, would you really want to use a crappy phone camera to do it? Wouldn’t you want to use a good scanner? Or at least a good camera?

I’m willing to bet that it’s not the sucralose that’s to blame, but a sugar alcohol such as maltitol, isomalt, sorbitol or xylitol. Those compounds are very often the number one ingredient in sugar-free candies,and are known to have a laxative effect in larger amounts.

I’m a bit lost, title says it’s “the latest 200 mph supercar” yet it’s max speed is 194?

I would agree with that considering Joker/ Harley’s relationship is very much treaded in various media now. The Enchantress is much more unknown.

Yep. I went into that movie with the lowest expectations, and they were met. It was incredibly dumb, but it was entertaining, and sometimes fun.

You, sir, are correct!

If it makes you feel any better, I actually liked it, and so did my wife. I’ll never watch it again though. Way better than Jason Bourne. It’s worth mentioning that I didn’t spend a cent to watch it though.

I’m under the impression that io9 folks still haven’t recovered from the fact that their beloved Ghostbusters quite bombed and have chosen Suicide Squad as a scapegoat for everything they don’t like in movies.

Ok lets walk down this path of thought problem....

You must hate Indiana jones