
No, the quarterpounder with “cheese” is weirdly sweet, the buns have a dry texture that falls apart at a glance, and they have that flavourless yellow gunk that isn’t mustard on it. Also McDonalds fries are awful - not quite as bad as KFC, but really bad.

The concept of monarchy has developed beyond it’s lexical roots to include sovereigns who reign but do not rule.

He obviously didn't play Diplomacy.

The restaurant are responsible for placing the tables so close together that it was possible to spill red wine on a neighbouring party. So I'd say they do have at least some responsibility for making good.

Instant is the answer.

We didn’t send the puritans - they paid their own way.

Apprenticeships in the UK are required by law to be paid but pay varies depending on the apprentices age and the level of the apprenticeship (all must lead to some form of recognised qualification but this can be high school level through to professional degree level for a higher level apprenticeship).

Good News Americans!

Physics, PhD, Cambridge. If that takes care of the penis measuring?

With a tender, more delicate steak (rib-eye, sirloin etc.), I favour anchovy butter with capers.

I obviously have a better idea of how statistics and discrete mathematics work.

You may be told you have a number, but there isn’t one in reality, there literally can’t be one. It’s just bullshit used as an excuse to deny you “bonuses”. There is no way they could actually defend that number in court if there’s anyone with basic numeracy skills on the jury/bench (which is admittedly not a given).

Those small (or large) shifts just don’t matter. The accountants already gave up - there is no longer a “correct” volume to use as a metric. It is now the preserve of actuaries, you cannot be said to have dispensed x ml more coke than you sold, only y standard deviations more than the expectation value.

If the drinks are self-serve and free refills permitted, those costs are not controlled. The restaurant has completely given up on those costs (however minimal). The only way to control costs is for drinks to be staff dispensed, with either limited free refills (not the best) or single use purchase.

The US is unique in scale but not ability to deploy and sustain expeditionary forces. Several NATO countries and Russia could independently deploy brigade sized strike forces at a considerable distance, most would require assistance or at least local acquiescence for prolonged operations.

That’s Cadet-in-Chief Bonespurs, remember civility.

The word has its roots in pestilence and originally meant an epidemic fatal disease (borrowed in the mid 15th century from the French peste referring to the bubonic plague).

It bothers me when people (or institutions) lie to me about their reasons for doing a thing. It bothers me when people don’t do the thing they claim they are doing properly. Most of all it bothers me when these institutions and people then claim regression to the mean as evidence of their own success.

Yes, that’s what I think of the untrained clowns who’s sole job is to make the very stupid feel (without actually doing anything to make that feeling reality) that the government is doing something to prevent terrorism.