
Colbert did a fantastic job voicing Reed as "Dr. Impossible" on the Venture Bros, and that's the main reason I thought of him. I think Reed should retain a little of his obsessive assholeness, but not to the point that it's gotten in the comics, where you wonder why anyone has anything to do with Reed.

Okay, if we're going to go ahead and reboot the Fantastic Four, we need to change our approach to this. Don't try for a serious comic book movie. Don't try for a farce either. There's only one way to make a Fantastic Four movie work: kaiju.

And he knew what he signed up for. He didn't get stranded and forgotten.

Not really. You need dualism for there to be free will as a non-experiential phenomenon. In both a classical and a quantum universe, everything humans ever do is determined by the laws of physics that drive them. The only difference is that a quantum universe holds that some random elements are doing that driving. No

Fate and destiny are usually techniques for lazy writing. They allow an author to create a conflict for no other reason than that they need a conflict to drive the story. This trope is so hoary that people were deconstructing it before Oedipus Rex was first performed.

Free will is an experiential phenomenon. Since I cannot model myself with perfect fidelity, I cannot predict my own future actions beyond a certain margin for error, ergo, I experience free will.

I have nothing polite to say in response to this article. If only there was a way to Google someone to find out whether or not they're… whatever the hell you are. It would spare us all a great deal of time.

"Pay to the Order Of Max Brooks the Amount of $ASSLOAD, and if he ever wants to work in Hollywood again, he's going to smile and take it no matter who his father is."

Laibach's NATO album works really well as the soundtrack. For Metropolis, you really need something with an electronic, industrial flavor. I want the Fear Factory version!

Samurai armor was generally much lighter than plate, and they used short bows, not long bows like in picture #7. Yes, as I said, the armor depicted had way too many froo-fras that would draw a weapon into the body instead of turning it aside.

Well, she's also not going to be drawing any bow in that armor. The fact that she has a bow is more ridiculous than her over-decorated armor. If you're on horseback and arching, you're going to be using a Mongol thing- you're going to use very light armor, a short bow, and superior mobility. If you have any shield at

Aram Fingle can tell you all about the marula fruit. *sigh* At least he wasn't an anteater.

For a mounted unit (which any plate armor is meant for cavalry, not infantry), it's not terrible. There's too much froofra which will catch a blade and angle it into the body, not away.

But is it time to move towards using our true identities online?

It's only survived this long because of its changeability. The series can morph into whatever its time period demands of it. It's sort of a time capsule, and watching old episodes is its own special kind of time travel. It's never made any attempt to be timeless and it's embraced changes with glee.

For all the flaws in the film, Poledouris's soundtrack paves right over them to help it become awesome. Sort of like Barry's soundtrack for Starcrash- although Barry had way more flaws to pave over. Still a fantastic soundtrack.

I can't say that I've actually tried it, but I think the original would be improved by smoking up, too. Or just watch Flash Gordon instead, and let Dino do the smoking for you.

So it's an actress with tits then. Because that's the only thing I know about Katy Perry: she was banned from Sesame Street for having tits. I may be missing some details or something, but I doubt it.

Also, unless the makers delved into necromancy, they cannot come close to the original soundtrack. This ranks as a totally unnecessary film. The Arnold Conan is far from perfect, but that's not really the point. Dino DeLaurentis found the essence of the material, threw a bunch of insanity on it, and called it a movie,

Bill Cowher as the coach will be different- and AWESOME.