
It's not a revamp. A revamp implies that they changed the design to something that hasn't been done before. This was a reversion to the Peter Cushing Daleks from the 60s movies. I don't know why- those movies were terrible, but the design is pretty much identical to what was in those movies.

It's a very good mobile OS. But anyone who claims that it doesn't have its warts is a moron. Its notification system, as noted, is terrible. The settings app is also pretty bad. I may be the only person on Earth that honestly appreciates its multi-tasking system, although it should be more aggressive about killing

Grunts is fantastic. But, yeah, you have to be willing to read about some of the implausible mechanics of halfling/orc sex.

Make it a period flick- set it in 1973. 73 is a huge year- the WTC opens and the Sears Tower is finished, the last soldiers leave Vietnam, Wounded Knee, Watergate, and it's the era in which Harlem sunk to its lowest level of crime and poverty. You could play a little bit loose with his origin story and modernize the

That's basically the point I'm making. The claim that the supernatural world exists and is not understandable via reason leads us to think that the orderly and meaningful world we observe sits atop a capricious and meaningless world of supernatural forces. There is no order or sense in the supernatural world, no

And they spent their non-battle time pretty much naked. I think people should generally spend more time naked. We live in a climate controlled world. Might as well enjoy the comfort that truly offers.

We can see the effects of gravity, but not the causes. We do not know what causes gravity. Yet no one would claim that gravity is a miracle.

My point is that we would be able to measure the effects of the supernatural. If I hear the voice of Odin, for example, there is a physical extent- a distinctive pattern of neural stimulus, if nothing else. If I see a 900-foot tall Vishnu (as do a bunch of other people), that's pretty strong evidence that apparition

One need not reject logically valid proofs to be an atheist. One merely need not claim that a deity exists. Do you say, "I believe in god(s)"? No? Then you're an atheist in the strictest technical sense.

Extra issue:

Every time I'm hungry, I take advantage of the ontological proof. You see, there is the world's greatest sandwich. It certainly involves bacon and probably some ham and absolutely no mayonnaise. And, since existing is infinitely greater than not existing, it must exist. And, since I'm hungry, it would be vastly

Then building a house is play- it is governed by rules and decided by skill.

Considering the dictionary definition pretty much precludes MS Flight Sim from being a game I have to continue to disagree. You can play games in flight-sim, but it is not, itself, a game.

I haven't seen it, but all the best cult classics have humor to them. They may not be self aware, but they've gotta have a few laughs in them, even if it's just through incompetent filmmaking.

You should… chill aout.

Parody nothing. You could do that one straight up. The porn stars have to fuck the invading aliens to death. Your protagonist starlet would be the one with The Gift- the Chosen One. She has the power to seduce the aliens en masse, allowing the story to… heh… climax with a gigantic aliens-on-girl gangbang.

"Balance of Terror" is one of my favorite episodes. Absolutely fantastic.

You're getting hung up on the specifics of P/NP. A deterministic computer can easily solve NP problems. They're just really expensive to solve. A quantum computer can easily solve those problems. But that's really a tangent- the real issue is that a quantum computer itself represents a system that cannot be modeled in

You can simulate a quantum computer on a universal Turing machine.

Quantum computers are provably more powerful, in a mathematical sense, than a Universal Computer. That is to say, a quantum computer can easily simulate a Universal Computer (any universal computer), but a Universal Computer can't simulate a quantum computer. This basically arises from the fact that a Turing machine