
Someone posing as a criminal to stop criminals? This has already gotten an update, sans mask. It's called "Burn Notice".

@neolex: Can't argue that. Tim Curry was great, and the Devil makeup was very sharp.

Tom Cruise in AtMoM?

@gerrylum: Tis a thorny legal area. The true legal answer (from my layman's mouth) is: maybe.

This show is the best worst thing I've watched in awhile. Or is that the worst best thing?

Ambiguity? I thought the article was pretty damn clear. There's a lot of talk about "infrastructure" and "ecosystem" and "vendors".

@zark169: From this review, I'm not entirely certain they are portraying them in different ways. I think the real difference is that The Holy Grail was on purpose.

@Wolfstone is informative: I purposefully bought a house that doesn't have a lawn. This is the secret to immortality, my friends- without a lawn, I can never be old enough to chase kids off it.

@OchentaYcinco: Well, there is certainly a lack of oxygen reaching certain vital organs, like brains. So, yes, something's airtight.

This list is missing: "T-Shirt? T-shirts are fucking underwear. Who the hell cares what you're wearing as a t-shirt? Where's the goddamn collar, you goddamn hippie?"

Well. With a review like that, what else can I say but, "I'm in!" That. Sounds. Awesome.

@Eddard: That's Lovecraft. I read him for the laughs, not the terror- there's nothing particularly creepy about any of his works, but the prose is empurpled and turgid with adjectives.

So wait- is "The Cape" running now? Or are we still waiting with bated breath for the schlockfest that it is certain to be?

@Sean Bon: Well, I'll grant this- both things we're discussing are very much the product of their times. All three, really.

@Sean Bon: It's the removal that makes it better. It's certainly not as good as Jeffries design- but it is, clearly, its own design. It isn't a riff on a design with no understanding of what made that design compelling.

@Daveinva: The key thing that it lacked was simplicity. The original Enterprise was delightfully devoid of too many accents- the hull looked seamless and formed, the shapes were all basic and simple.

@ThisDudeRufus: An objection that he handles pretty eloquently.

@Sean Bon: The Abrams redesign was worse. This, this is its own thing that is ugly in its own right, certainly, but it is clearly its own thing. The Abramsprise attempted to be the original Enterprise, but removed all of the design elements that made it so iconic.

@spikespeigel: Actually, I think she's the Doctor's new "Doctor's Daughter". Winkwink, nudgenudge, saynomoresaynomore.