
@cjschmidt: And occasionally so bad that you didn't want to watch them with the jokes, either.

@Berd: I think the black bars were funnier. It's like with Arrested Development. "Bleep" was way funnier than "fuck". At this point, censorship is ironic.

@etodez: We can hope. We can hope.

@mattsaler: Which has its own problems: that whole planet episode was really stupid. I liked believing that the colonists starved to death in the first month.

The whole TJ subplot was crushingly boring and predictable. We knew from the moment it was revealed she's pregnant that the child wouldn't make it. All the mumbo-jumbo in the world doesn't really change the fact that, for all practical purposes, the child is dead.

@WookieLifeDay: What if the documentary crew are actually characters. Instead of the show being produced in the style of a documentary, it's about the documentary crew and the working class stiffs and the alien menace. You could splice in some documentary segments to establish character and handle exposition, and then

@kilroy4: Because Fox gives them money. Scoring a paycheck for a show that gets canceled after three episodes is better than waiting tables.

@ctuley: You can keep the running. It's "Doctor Who" not "Jazzersize in Space".

Oh, cool. Now I know what show I will next fall in love with and see destroyed before I can fully enjoy it.

" Smith mentioned he's currently filming night scenes in a quarry."

The film is far more charming than it has any right to be. Which, now that I think about it, is something that can be said about anything Corman has ever done. Yes, it's idiotic schlock, but it's so damn likable.

@Donuthead: It's a double-edged sword. Too spicy, and nobody cultivates you and you're left to the wilds. Too mild, and competitive wildlife devours you.

Actually, I'd argue that the spicyness of peppers is something that has become human-selected, not an attempt to defend against human consumption.

@Jaron Sean Louis-Kie: Who cares, though? The work is done, and it's complete. Someone wants to take a shit on celluloid and call it "House of Leaves: THE MOVIE", it does nothing to alter the original work.

Call me stupid, but isn't pi a function of the shape of space? Since matter curves space, wouldn't we expect pi to vary slightly (very slightly) with the curvature of spacetime? And if pi varies, wouldn't alpha?

Why? Because greater intelligence is an adaptation that carries rapidly diminishing returns. Remember: we value smartness because we're generally pretty smart, as animals go. Evolution couldn't care less about how smart an organism is: it either passes along its genes or it doesn't.

"Daily Mail, which is well worth reading"

You wouldn't wear a smoking jacket to an opera. Smoking jackets are house-wear, not going-to-the-opera-wear.

@SpammerOvTheGods: So, you're saying they never did anything worth listening to? I'd have to agree.